Poetry Bookshop
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Forest of Noise - Mosab Abu Toha
TOP DOLL - Karen McCarthy Woolf
Poetry Unbound (Hardback Edition) -Padraig O'Tuama Ed.
Night Alphabet -Joelle Taylor
Finger in the Fishes Mouth - Derek Jarman
Exit Opera: Poems - Kim Addonizio
Earth Prayers - Carol Ann Duffy Ed.
Winter Recipes from the Collective - Louise Gluck
With My Back to the World - Victoria Chang
Paper Boat: New and Selected Poems 1961-2023 - Margaret Atwood
Soul Feast: nourishing poems of hope & light - Neil Astley Ed.
This Is the Honey: An Anthology of Contemporary Black Poets - Kwame Alexander
Another Day: Sabbath Poems 2013-2023 - Wendell Berry
Lobster - Hollie McNish
4 BROWN GIRLS WHO WRITE - Roshni Goyate, Sharan Hunjan, Sheena Patel, SunnahKhan
Ariel : The Restored Edition - Sylvia Plath
Complete Illuminated Books - William Blake
Nox -Anne Carson
Envelope Poems - Emily Dickinson
Ordinary Genius : A Guide for the Poet within -Kim Addonizio