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Blues in Stereo : The Early Works - Langston Hughes
Foxglovewise - Ange Mlinko
Minx - Karen Downs-Barton
Selected Poems - Jen Hadfield
Lady - Laurie Bolger
Ecstasy - Alex Dimitrov
Wellwater - Karen Solie
Water, Water - Billy Collins
When Angels Speak of Love - bell hooks
Southernmost: Sonnets - Leo Boix
In the Hollow of the Wave - Nina Mingya Powles
Book of Jonah - Luke Kennard
Mother Nature - Aoife Lyall
That Broke into Shining Crystals - Richard Scott
Night Alphabet -Joelle Taylor
Midden Witch - Fiona Benson
Mouth - Mona Arshi
Man, a Woman and a Hippopotamus - Selima Hill
Lives of the Female Poets - Clare Pollard
Bird Called Elaeus - David J.